Filipe tohei
Today room 6,7,8 and room 5 went to the hall and in the
hall we had one of New Zealand's famous Tongan
artists and he was Showing us his art to us and
he was ask us a question and he was talking
about his artwork and he Came with another
man he was taking photos of us by looking at
the art that Mr filipe tohei made and we asking
Questions to filipe tohei and he told us how he
become an artist. When he came to New
Zealand he went to this marae and he saw having a good
time at the hall and it was the end of the day at
the hall R6,7,8 and R5 went
hall we had one of New Zealand's famous Tongan
artists and he was Showing us his art to us and
he was ask us a question and he was talking
about his artwork and he Came with another
man he was taking photos of us by looking at
the art that Mr filipe tohei made and we asking
Questions to filipe tohei and he told us how he
become an artist. When he came to New
Zealand he went to this marae and he saw having a good
time at the hall and it was the end of the day at
the hall R6,7,8 and R5 went
To class and that is the end of filipe tohei story.